I Support Shark Research
9th June 2016 | by Georgia FrenchWe're very excited (and a little bit proud) to be launching our first run of merchandise! We teamed up once again with the wonderful design people over at EDNA to bring you some top quality sharky clothing.
We’re using TeeSpring to run a two week campaign, offering you the chance to get your hands on men’s, women’s and children’s tops. We’ve opted for organic where it was available (adult t-shirts) but kept the price as low as possible – organic items are more expensive to produce but we think that the reduction in money that comes to us is outbalanced by the ecological benefits of responsible merchandise production.
This company was used at the 2015 Fisheries Society of the British Isles’s “Biology, Ecology and Conservation of Elasmobranchs” conference attended by SharkStuff co-founder Georgia. She purchased a conference hoody and can personally attest to its high quality!
We’ve got:
- men’s and women’s organic t-shirts
- women’s vests
- unisex adult hoodies
…and, due to popular demand!
- children’s t-shirts
- children’s hoodies
All are available in a variety of sizes and colours, and will be available to purchase from Monday the 13th to Monday the 27th of June.
Apart from the fact that these tops look awesome, you’ll be supporting our work, Using Education to Change Perception and Science to Save Sharks, to achieve our ultimate goal, Shared Oceans, Safe Sharks.
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