Get Involved
The SharkStuff team are always looking for new ways to engage with people who want to make a different to shark research and conservation. This page will be updated as and when new opportunities become available.
Read MoreInternal Opportunities
While we don't have any vacancies right now, please do check back with us as opportunities may ariseShop
Support our work by getting yourself some awesome, organic clothing!Corporate Sponsorship
We have some excellent opportunities for your company to get involved with our charity!Sponsoring us is good for you and sharks alike! We can promote your brand to our large local, national and international followers, help you to meet your Corporate Social Responsibility targets and provide interesting and worthwhile activities and development opportunities for your staff. Your support will also make a difference to species in desperate need in addition to building the resilience of a local charity.
We have put together some sample donation packages below, and are happy to discuss bespoke packages with you, as well as sponsorship of one-off events.
Smoothhound (£250)
- Certificate of sponsorship
- Promotion of your brand on
our social media and website
Tope (£500)
All of the above, plus:
- An eggcase hunt and beach clean on a local beach for up to 15 staff
Thresher (£1000)
All of the above plus:
- A talk on sharks for up to 30 staff
Porbeagle (£5000)
All of the above plus:
- A SharkStuff:Live! event for up to 30 staff
Terms and Conditions:
- Sponsorship will not commence nor can benefits be accessed until full payment is received and cleared.
- Fees will be reviewed annually, and any proposed changes notified in writing.
- SharkStuff reserves the right to refuse and refund an application for SharkStuff’s Corporate Sponsorship scheme if a Company’s activities conflict
with our charitable aims and the Charity’s core values.
External Opportunities
Wildlife volunteering
Get some experience working abroadThe SharkStuff team are massive advocates of responsible, ethical volunteer programs. These represent fantastic opportunities for people to work directly with various wildlife species and we’ve got links to some of the world’s best on our Resources page:
View all volunteer programs